Thursday, October 31, 2019

How Safe are Federal Regulations on Occupational Alcohol Use Essay

How Safe are Federal Regulations on Occupational Alcohol Use - Essay Example following budget tables have been presented by CEOs of two different t companies in the transportation, A & B, experiencing occupational alcohol use and the other not experiencing the same respectively. The figures in the tables represent the expenditures expected to be incurred as overheads for the financial year 2011. Neurocgnitive behaviors are behaviors that are controlled by the central nervous system. They involve conscious and subconscious decisions and reactions by an individual to stimuli in the environment. Occupational behaviors are decisions that are made by an individual in the course of his official duty. They may include decisions that may have significant impact on the overall organization, and even on an individual’s life. It is important to discuss how alcohol affects the behavior of an individual. In a research done by Zeigler (2004), the findings were discussed in four main headings namely: 1) the epidemiology of alcohol use in adolescents and young adults; (2) the pharmacology of alcohol; a (3) Pharmacodynamics; and 4) hangover. A survey carried out by National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) between 1995 and 2000 found that the number of young people aged 12–17 years who first used alcohol increased from 2.2 to 3.1 million. The prevalence of alcohol use increases with age, from 2.6% at 12 years of age to 67% of persons aged 21 years. If this research was done between 1995 and 2000, then it means that the population represented then is now among the American workforce. The report also found that 19% of the represented population represented binge drinkers. This means that a majority of the population take alcohol in low doses. The study also found that chronic diseases are common among alcohol drinkers with the following complications being among them: appetite changes, weight loss, eczema, headaches, and sleep disturbance and Serum enzyme, a major cause of liver damage. The survey further argues that 40% of individuals who

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effects of Chlorinated Drinking Water Essay Example for Free

Effects of Chlorinated Drinking Water Essay Chlorine is added to drinking water, as a disinfectant, to get rid of harmful bacteria, which are usually present in areas from where the water is obtained. The controversy of this issue is that chlorination can work as an advantage or as a disadvantage to those consuming it. Chlorine is currently the most effective water treatment when compared with other alternatives. However, it also reacts with natural organic compounds present in the water to produce harmful chemicals that on a long-term basis are very dangerous. The most well known adverse effects of contaminated water is shown in the Walkerton crisis in May 2000, where an outbreak of E. Coli contamination occurred in the water system of Walkerton, Ontario. Seven people died, and a further 2300 fell ill after consuming water that was contaminated by farm manure (Walkerton Report, CBC 2008). This could have been prevented if proper chlorination had taken place. Examples of contaminants that chlorine eliminates are microbes such as E. Coli, Salmonella typhi and Shigella. E. Coli grows when the water is contaminated with human and animal waste products. Upon consuming E. Coli contaminated water, an individual suffers from diarrhea, cramps, nausea, renal failure and sometimes even death. Consuming water contaminated with Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever. Shigella causes severe abdominal cramping with blood and mucus in the stool. Chlorine’s major advantage is that the water remains disinfected until it reaches the point of consuming, unlike other disinfectants such as ozone or ultraviolet light. Chlorine not only purifies water, it also prevents bacterial growth, nitrogenous contaminants and such from growing in water pipes and storage tanks. It also gets rid of odors, unpleasant taste and organisms known as nuisance organisms. Slime bacteria, iron and sulfate reducing bacteria give the water a very unpleasant look and smell. These bacteria do not cause disease but chlorination gets rid of these organisms. Not only is chlorine easy to use, it is also widely available and of low cost. However, chlorine is also associated with producing harmful byproducts as it reacts with chemicals already present in water. These products are known as disinfection by-products. They include chloroform and are known as trihalomethanes or THMs for short. Studies conducted have shown that tested animals that are exposed to high amounts of THM are at a much greater risk for cancer. Even with humans, long-term exposure to chlorination can greatly increase risks of cancer (LaPure Water Inc, 2000). Also, chlorination does not get rid of all nitrate products. It only prevents the nitrates from reaching a toxic form. These nitrates are from manure products that have not been absorbed by plants. This is not particularly dangerous to adults, but with excess levels can cause â€Å"blue baby† disease (methemoglobinemia) in young infants (Nitrate: Health Effects in Drinking Water, McCasland). Chlorinated water also affects its taste and smell. Using chlorinated water to make coffee, tea, soups, etc changes its taste and smell. Even with these disadvantages, it is evident that the benefits of chlorination outweigh the risks. With proper treatment – making sure that chlorine is not added in excess and proper water testing, drinking water would be much healthier. The only major disadvantage of chlorinated water is the long-term effects of THMs. It is known that using a carbon filter actually gets rid of THMs and other chlorination by-products. People should be made aware of this and encouraged to use carbon filters to filter the water out instead of consuming straight from the tap. There are alternatives to chlorination as well, such as ozonation, which is a method of disinfection by adding ozone gas to water and applying an electric current. It is very effective against microbes and only forms by products, which can be removed with further treatment. Another method of disinfectant is by Ultraviolet light treatment. This method is effective against even more microbes than chlorine is but it is also costly. However, these methods can only be used as primary disinfectants, chlorine is required as a secondary disinfectant in order to disinfect water as much as possible. Also, these methods are temporary – the water does not remain disinfected until it reaches point of being consumed. In conclusion, chlorination is the most effective method of disinfecting water from drinking purposes. It’s the only method that keeps the water clean from the point of treatment to the point of consuming it. It is also the only disinfectant that is capable of minimizing all possible health risks caused by contaminated water. The adverse effects of chlorine such as its harmful by-products can be eliminated or reduced with the use of carbon filters.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Henry Viii And Anglicanism Religion Essay

Henry Viii And Anglicanism Religion Essay Many individuals today believe that Anglicanism began with Henry VIII for his simple wish of divorcing his wife in hopes to produce a male heir. Certainly it was established in the era of King Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, however there were many other influences that contributed to the creation of the Church of England. These influences date back to the early years of Christianity in the British Isles. After doing much analysis on this history, it is safe to say that King Henry was not the only creator of Anglicanism; he was only a contributor to its formation and the final step to its beginning. It is said that among the soldiers living in Britain, some were of Christian faith. St. Alban, the first English martyr, was killed in 209 CE and therefore the Christianity was certainly present by 200 CE. In 400, when the Romans left Britain and many invaders arrived, in the West and North the Celtic people maintained their faith and culture. A type of Christianity grew among these individuals which still influences our spirituality to this date. Celtic Christianity dated between 400 1000 CE. These stories and legends of the Celtic church are told by Saints such as: St. Ninian, St. Calumba and St. Brigit.Governed by chiefs or kings, Celtic society was organized on tribal lines. The Celtic church was controlled around monasteries ruled by abbots who ordained as priests celebrated the sacraments in the monasteries. The land for the monastery was often provided by the tribe or family unit. By 431, Ireland had received its first bishop. The government of the Irish church was controlled by the abbots however by the 1800s .The abbeys promoted learning, taught the children, and fabricated spectacular religious art in the manuscripts, metalwork and stone carvings. The Anglican spirituality had a lot of influence from the Celtic spirituality. There was a very strong sense of the presence of God in everyday life of the Celtic Christians. In all of their daily activities, God is found. There are a vast amount of prayers from the Celtics that have these examples. There is an example in the book A World Made Whole (Fount, 1991): I will kindle my fire this morning, In the presence of the holy angels of heaven. This quote from the prayer shows that God is in their everyday lives, God is not forgotten. The goodness of nature and of human nature are a part of true Celtic beliefs. It sees human as being full of potential and made in Gods image. Jesus came to free our world from its evil forces. This is an optimistic view fits well with the Anglican understanding of creation, i ncarnation, and redemption. Celtic Christianity has a strong sense of the unity. It insists that we are encircled on our pilgrimage by faithfully Christian individuals of an earlier era. God, the Trinity, the saints of old-all are near us and are always accessible to us in our prayers. Celtic Christianity is full of stories, images, art and music. With the arrival of St. Augustine at Canterbury in 597, Roman Christianity returned to Britain. This tradition and form of government spread throughout England steadily. Although Celtic Christianity was slowly concealed by Roman practice, many customs and traditions were kept. It was an era of change and turmoil in the church during the 1500-1600s in Europe. There was dissatisfaction with papal government and abuses of church traditions. Furthermore the availability of new translations of Scripture from Latin into other languages fashioned a craving to look over the ancestry of the Christian faith and a desire to return to the basics of Christian ideas. In Europe individual figures like Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin and Martin Luther encouraged doctrinal and organizational reform. England knew of the effort of these reformers and had the Scriptures in English. However, the church was not extremely affected by them. In reality Henry VIII received from the Pope in 1521 the title Defender of the Faith for his paper criticizing Martin Luther. However, the King was going through some political difficulties. His marriage of almost 20 years to Catherine of Aragon had produced only one living child, their daughter Mary. Henry became increasingly worried because he n eeded a male heir for the throne. Henry decided to divorce his wife and that he was going to marry Anne Boleyn. Securing an annulment and obtaining a papal dispensation to remarry was not an impossible request, however it made Henry anxious. But European politics launched a problematic factor; Catherines nephew was the Emperor Charles V. The Pope was being threatened by the Emperor and so could not grant Henrys request. Henry decided then to remove the church in England from the control of foreign powers. Acts of Parliament were passed, Henrys marriage was declared invalid, and he married Anne Boleyn. The Pope rapidly removed Henry. To gain [a son], he separated the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church and so established the Protestant Reformation in England . Henry took rising control of the church, suspending the monasteries and moving their riches to the crown and declared himself the head of the church in England. Henry ordered the English Bible located in all church es but stayed very conservative in matters of spiritual traditions. Henry was succeeded in 1547 by his son Edward VI. Edward had been well-informed by teachers with Protestant understanding. Throughout his reign the church was progressively more influenced by Lutheran and Calvinist tradition. In 1549, the first Book of Common Prayer, drawn up by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, was certified. The Act of Uniformity made its use obligatory in all churches in England. This book has become the normative statement of Anglican theology and practice. The book was a compromise between traditionalists and reformers. In 1552, a second Book of Common Prayer was issued. It followed more Protestant ideologies. During the reign of Edward VI, many Articles were published to identify the position of the Church of England on a vast amount of issues. This was an attempt to define a connection between the Old Catholic ways and the new Calvinist reforms. The 42 Articles were proposed in 15 52 and these were not accepted. However in 1559, during the reign of Elizabeth, the Thirty-nine Articles were accepted as a balanced statement of the Anglican position on certain uncertain issues. Edward was then succeeded by his half-sister Mary. As the daughter of Catherine of Aragon, Mary wanted to return England to the worship of the Roman Catholic Church. During Marys reign, many reformers were executed however on her death, her half-sister Elizabeth became Queen. She wished to restore stability to the country, while at the same time preserving England from foreign domination. The church then should retain its heritage but remain free of the rule of the Pope. The form of liturgy, the three-fold order of bishops, priest and deacons, the sacraments were all retained. But the differences were that services were in English, the reading of Scripture was encouraged, and clergy could marry. The third Book of Common Prayer was issued in 1559. The aim of the Elizabethan church was to br ing stability to both church and state. The Church of England held together in one family a variety of views by avoiding narrow definitions. Richard Hooker, 1554-1600, was the apologist for the emerging Anglican position. The Anglican approach to theology, the balance of Scripture, tradition and reason was defined by his Treatise on the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity. He saw the church as changing and adapting. The church structures its existence by looking at scripture and tradition in the light of reason and experience. Renewal and progress in the 18th century placed a new tension on personal conversion, salvation by faith in Christs agreed death, the sole power of Scripture, and the significance of the lecture of the Word. Influenced by evangelical clergy, the missionary movement brought the gospel to all parts of the world. At home in England, evangelicals played a major role in the abolition of slavery and the reform of social conditions. In the 19th century, the Anglo-Catholic restoration brought a new emphasis to the liturgical and sacramental life of the church. The Oxford Movement aimed at restoring high church ideals to the Church of England. In this movement we have the Low Church that of being the Anglican Church of Ireland and High Anglican Church that being the Church of England. This group of reformers was sometimes called Tractarianists because of the series of writings, Tracts for the Times, in which they set out their views. The movement emphasized the catholic and apostolic nature o f the church, looking back to its historic roots. It placed new importance on the liturgical and sacramental life of the church; the introduction of vestments, candles, ceremonial and ritual followed soon after. Anglo-Catholics were involved in ministry to the slums of large English cities, and in missionary work around the world. During this period, religious orders of monks and nuns were re-established, and this continues in the Anglican Church to this day. In conclusion, after much research it is understood that The Anglican Church was created by many contributions and ideas that dated back to the early years of Christianity in the British Isles. King Henry VIII was the final contribution to its foundation, but would not be here if it were not for the Celtic Spirituality. However to this day there are issues with the Anglican Church. The Anglican Church though would have liked to settle once it left the Roman umbrella will not be in a settle state. It seems as if equilibrium cannot be maintained and there is still controversy to this day with this religion that was created many years ago.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Muscular Dystrophy Essay -- essays research papers

Muscular dystrophy refers to, not one, but a group of muscle diseases. These diseases have three features in common: they are hereditary; they are progressive; and each causes a characteristic and selective pattern of weakness. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most prevalent and severe childhood form of this group of diseases. Each form of muscular dystrophy is caused by a defect in a specific gene. In 1986, scientists discovered exactly which piece of genetic material is missing in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. They named it for Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne(1806-1875), a French neurologist who was one of the first doctors to discover and study the disease. When functioning properly, the Duchenne gene carries instructions for assembling a muscle protein known as dystrophin. At about 2,500,000 nucleotides, dystrophin is one of the largest genes known. Dystrophin is largely responsible for reinforcing and stabilizing the sarcolemma. Dystrophin associates with the muscle fiber sarcolemma by interacting with the actin microfilaments and with a transmembrane protein complex linked to the extracellular matrix. This latter dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex (DAGC) includes the extracellular proteoglycan, [Alpha]-dystroglycan, which binds to merosin in muscle fiber basal laminae, as well as a number of other integral and cytoplasmic membrane proteins: [Alpha]-dystroglycan; [Alpha]-, [Beta]- and [Gamma]- sarcoglycans (see Figure 1). The DAGC provides a physical link and, potentially, a signaling pathway between the extracellular matrix and the internal scaffolding of the muscle cells. Mutations in the Duchenne gene result in dystrophin deficiency, which constitutes the pathogenic basis of DMD. Dystrophin is either absent or severely deficient in a person with DMD. When dystrophin is lost through gene mutation, the muscle falls apart under the tension generated when it contracts. Without dystrophin, the muscle fibers also lose their ability to regenerate and are eventually replaced with adipose tissue and fibrous connective tissue (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). The Duchenne gene has been located on the short arm of the X chromosome. This means that Duchenne muscular dystrophy is inherited as an X-linked recessive disease. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Therefore, in females, a normal X... out how get only one gene in the right cell, how to keep the gene from impairing any other functions and how to get the gene to produce the right amount of protein. Some researchers are trying a different approach; that of myoblast transfer therapy. This school of thought attempts to fuse healthy, immature muscle cells with dystrophic cells to make hybrid muscles that function normally. Unfortunately, initial tests have not fared very well because the injected myoblasts do not seem to travel very far from the injection site. The last type of research deals with a protein called utrophin. It is hoped that this protein could functionally take over for dystrophin. Scientists are trying to discover a chemical that will upregulate utrophin production without disrupting anything else in the body.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Until a cure is found 1 in approximately every 3,500 boys will inherit Duchenne muscular dystrophy and eventually die from it. The current treatments only place a temporary obstacle in front of the disease. It is hoped that advancements in the fields of science and medicine will help to speed along the discovery of a cure for this debilitating muscular disease.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Scarlet Letter Essay

â€Å"It is human nature to want patterns, standards, and a structure of behavior. A pattern to conform to is a kind of shelter. † This quote can be considered valid or invalid depending on the person who is reading the quote. Whether it is someone like the Puritans in the Scarlet Letter who believes that life should be lived in a strict manner, or whether it is someone who cannot stand a uniform life, there will be never a time when everyone accepts or denies this quote.People feel safe and confident when they are given standards or expectations. This gives them reassurance that they are living their lives the right way. For an example, in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, the townspeople look down upon Hester Prynne because of the crime she committed. Hester Prynne broke a law which reinforced the bystander’s confidence on how they were living their lives. This causes the townspeople to feel safe and protected so they decide to mock and taunt Hes ter to make themselves feel stronger.People also conform to live their lives in a strict manner because sometimes they just need guidance. After Hester was released from prison, she decided to live her life helping the poor and elderly. Hester does this because she is lost and does not know how to live her life anymore after she strayed off the strict path the Puritans were suppose to follow. Although many may find happiness in a habitual lifestyle, many other people may find happiness in a carefree life. Living a life without patterns or standards can help greatly in a positive way.Living an unpredictable life allows the person to be able to experience many different things that will teach them how to be insightful and decide right from wrong. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester commits adultery which is deviating from the path a Puritan is suppose to take. But because of what she did, she was able to give birth to her daughter who she loves so much, find the man she truly loves, and see the hidden darkness that was buried deep within Roger Chillingworth’s heart. Because she decided to stray from the path a puritan is suppose to take, her life turned out for the better.In the quote,† It is human nature to want patterns, standards, and a structure of behavior. A pattern to conform to is a kind of shelter†, it has become clear that depending on the reader, whether they are someone who likes a unchanging lifestyle, or whether they are someone who enjoys experiencing something new every day, it is up to them to decide if they feel safe to agree or disagree to this quote. No matter if the reader chooses to disagree or agree to the quote, both choices come with negative and positives outcomes.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free sample - Mending Wall Analysis. translation missing

Mending Wall Analysis. Mending Wall AnalysisI find myself struggling to decide if the author of the â€Å"Mending Wall† is unreliable or somewhere in the middle between reliable.   I feel a tugging in the direction of unreliable as the author seems not to know all the relevant information to consistently interpret the events accurately. The author conflicts with what he says and what he lacks to do or doesn’t do in that he is constantly questioning the purpose of the wall in his particular case and the necessity of it, but he does nothing to remove the wall or to discuss the need of the wall to his neighbor. This leaves me to interpret that the speaker is trying to express his ideas about barriers between people and the feeling or sense of security that walls can give, and that the wall in the poem is symbolic of the barriers people erect in relationships. An odd observation in this poem I noticed is that the author is speaking to the stones â€Å"stay where you are until our backs are turned!† it seems that the man may be so bored not having anyone to speak with that he would talk to anything. The only thing in the poem the neighbors says is â€Å"Good fences make good neighbors† so maybe the neighbor isn’t much of a conversationalist and maybe the author has only the wall to converse with which would make the wall really a better neighbor than the actual neighbor. It is amusing that the author referrers to his neighbor as an â€Å"old stone savage,† but, I believe the author means his neighbor is single mindedly focused on the wall and the idea of maintaining its existence will somehow make good relations with his neighbors. The one sided fixation approach to the maintenance of the wall by his neighbor is what prompted the author to call him an â€Å"old stone savage,† that won’t go against his father’s advice.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Lady Macbeths Character in Macbeth. Essays - Characters In Macbeth

Lady Macbeth's Character in Macbeth. Essays - Characters In Macbeth Lady Macbeth's Character in Macbeth. Lady Macbeth's Character in Macbeth. Extracts from this document... Introduction Macbeth Lady Macbeth's Character in Macbeth Lady Macbeth is a controversial figure. She is seen by some as a woman of strong will who is ambitious for herself and who is astute enough to recognise her husband's strengths and weaknesses, and ruthless enough to exploit them. They see her in her commitment to evil and in her realisation that the acquisition of the Crown has not brought her the hapipiness she had expected, and finally, as one who breaks down nuder the strain. Others see her as a woman ambitious for her husband whom she loves. She recognises the essential good in him, and feels that, without her, he will never win the Crown. She allies herself with the powers of darkness for his sake, but here inherent(congenital) femininity breaks down under the strain of the unnatural murder of Duncan and the alienation of her husband. She can see what must be done; he visualises the consequence. "fiend-like queen" To Macbeth, in his letter to her, she is his "dearest partner of greatne ss", an indication of love and trust. Overcome By Ambition - she calls on the powers of evil to unsex her and make her cruel and to fill her full of "direst cruelty" "Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done't" does this imply that she is still a woman with a woman's tendernesss? Is she alloy by exploiting his love for her when she makes his consent to murder a test of his love? Is she being cynical when she inverts logic and reality in asking him if he is afraid to be what he wants to be and in suggesting that to be a true man he must take what he wants She is aware, too, that dwelling on the moral aspect of the murder "will make us mad". The Better Criminal? - She seems to be the better criminal; she remembers the details that Macbeth has overlooked, "Why did you bring these daggers from the place?" more. Middle In this same dialogue, she also says "you shall put...into my despatch," which furthermore proves that she is leading Macbeth into believing that he will have no physical role in the murder of the king. Lady Macbeth thinks this strategy will work because she describes Macbeth as a man who "wouldst not play false, And yet would wrongly win;" Imagery in Macbeth In all of Shakespeare's plays he uses many forms of imagery. Imagery, the art of making images, the products of imagination. In the play 'Macbeth' Shakespeare applies the imagery of clothing, darkness and blood. (listed from least to most), Each detail is his imagery, it seems to contain an important symbol of the play. Symbols that the reader must understand if they are to interpret either the passage or the play as a whole. Within the play 'Macbeth' the imagery of clothing portrays that Macbeth is seeking to hide his "disgraceful self" from his eyes and others. Shakespeare wants to keep alive the ironical contrast between the wretched creature that Macbeth really is and the disguises he assumes to conceal the fact. In opinion, the reader thinks of the play honors as garments to be worn; likewise, Macbeth is constantly represented symbolically as the wearer of robes not belonging to him. He is wearing an undeserved dignity, which is a crucial point that Shakespeare has made. The description of the purpo se of clothing in Macbeth is the fact that these garments are not his. Therefore, Macbeth is uncomfortable in them because he is continually conscious of the fact that they do not belong to him. In the following passage, the idea constantly recurs that Macbeth's new honors sit ill upon him, like loose and badly fitting garments, belonging to someone else: "New honours come upon him, Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mould, But with the aid of use."(Act I, iii: 144) more. Conclusion He tells himself that Duncan is good and kind and that killing him will provoke a tremendous out cry. Duncan's goodness will "plead like angels, trumpeted-tongued ". If Macbeth murders him he will be condemned to 'deep

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Stephen Cranes The Blue Hotel

Stephen Cranes The Blue Hotel Free Online Research Papers Stephen Crane’s â€Å"The Blue Hotel† illustrates how we affect the out comes of reality by our preconceived notions of reality itself. Reality in the story was not definite, but it was in the characters minds. Specifically, the Swede, his view of the situation made the evening go in a direction no one could have predicted. Reality in the end is not as set in stone as we like to think. We create it as we make decisions only the past is set in stone. I also feel the story shows to a slight extent how everyone pays for the decisions they make. This story emphasizes how even the smallest decisions can change our life if dramatic fashion. What might have happened if the Swede had read Sherlock Holmes instead of cheap western novels? Would he have been calmer? Would he have been in Nebraska at all? In addition the western novels gave him the idea of right and wrong and how things worked in the West. If he had not had the stories of the Wild West floating around in his head he likely would have played a harmless card game and went to bed. Instead he made Johnny angry, got involved in a fight, which eventually lead to his death. In addition the Swede’s awkward mannerisms were largely due to the fact that he was imaging himself in the Wild West when he was really in a small rail station town. The character I most closely identify with is the easterner. Throughout the story he is largely a bystander and does not get involved any more than he must. In the end he blames himself for the Swede’s death. He did not say anything about Johnny cheating. He just sat back and let the fight happen. These two facts make him feel guilty about the course of events. I think it shows something about human nature. When something bad happens people always start pointing fingers. The people who were nearby often look at what they did as opposed to what they could have done to change things. People always try to blame themselves. The easterner did not kill the Swede, he did not start the fight, and he did not cheat. He only feels guilty because he was in a position to do something and did nothing. I feel we only have to pay for our actions. If someone else gets themselves into a bad spot they can not expect anyone to bail them out. I see no reason why the eastern feels any guilt about t he Swede getting himself killed. I would like to defend his actions here because I feel I would have done the same. When he saw Johnny cheating it did not matter to him. There was no money involved and it was just for fun. Why should he have jumped in to save the Swede, when the card game did not matter? Then when Johnny took offense the accusation why was in the easterners business. If two guys want to fight over a game I think I would just let them. Then later on the easterner did not make the Swede got to the bar nor did he make him drink. As for grabbing the gambler, I think the drinks and the Swedes arrogance are directly to blame for his death. The eastern did not kill the Swede nor was it his job to look after him. The person most directly to blame for the Swede’s death was the Swede. Johnny did not escape his wrong doings either. He could, however, have helped the situation by remaining clam. Had he just politely chuckled and said ok you got me Swede just having a little fun no harm meant. The characters might have been able to get along with less serious repercussions. Maybe they would have been able to explain to the Swede that the Wild West in his books was gone and he could lived out his life instead of the abrupt end he finds. I feel Johnny paid for his wrong doings, possibly too much. The story makes it seems like Johnny barely survived the fight and was bedridden for some time after. For no more than he did Johnny seems to have paid for his actions. The gambler takes the harshest punishment for the Swede’s murder, but even his sentence is not too harsh. He gets three years for murder. It was probably viewed as self defense since the Swede was a large man and was clearly intoxicated. I question the gambler’s actions more than the other characters. Could he not have simply cut the Swede’s arm to make him let go. The gambler instantly went for the kill; it is as if he was not thinking when he did this. Had he been more thoughtful he could have avoided jail and the murder of the Swede. He seems to be the least real character, because a man with a wife and two kids generally is not as reckless as the gambler. He did give the Swede a chance to walk away; I just question his use of lethal force. From his description I feel the gambler would have known what he had to lose and not risked killing the Swede until there was no way around it. One character that we hear little from is the bartender. He serves the Swede a few drinks then watches his quick murder. Should he have kept serving the Swede? Or at some point would it have hurt him to have one drink to calm down a rowdy customer? In the end the cowboy even says, â€Å"If the bartender had been any good, he would have gone in and cracked that there Dutchman on the head with a bottle in the beginnin of it and stopped all this here murderin.† Unlike the easterner the bartender did have a certain obligation to the Swede. I would not describe the Swede as a stable character anyway and with a few drinks in him he would be even worse. I think the bartender gets away far too blameless when he could have had a great outcome in the events that unfolded. He seems to be the exception in this story, because the Swede, Johnny, and the gambler all have to pay for their actions directly. The only punishment for the bartender seems to be his longing for a companion after the Swede’s murder. Use of the term square in this story caught my attention as I reread this story. I noticed that the gambler is described as square by the narrator. Then near the end of the story the Cowboy says, â€Å"The Swede might not have been killed if everything had been square†. Earlier in the story the Cowboy also said to the Swede, â€Å"Stranger, I don’t see how you come to be so gay around here.† These lines in the story seem to put the Swede and the gambler in different classes. To me this stresses that they are total opposites. I think the term square is a kind of silent theme in the story. To be square in this story implies even or normal. In the end all the characters are square in one way or another. Everyone paid for their actions and ended up square. The Swede dies in the end because he was never square. His view of reality did not work and he paid for the mistake his view lead him to. In the end your view of reality affects you decisions and you have to pay fo r your decisions. Research Papers on Stephen Crane’s â€Å"The Blue Hotel†The Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsCapital PunishmentHip-Hop is ArtWhere Wild and West MeetAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementMind TravelThe Hockey GameBringing Democracy to AfricaHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Qualitative Research Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Qualitative Research Analysis - Assignment Example The assignment "Qualitative Research Analysis" talks about the effective analytic tools that can be used for the identification of features that are necessary for qualitative analysis. The interview conducted revealed that education standards are reliant on the ability of university administration to promote higher performance, in education, as well as students input in the process of education. Key issues, which featured here, were university administrators and students. As such, students have to ensure that they improve their individual performance levels to lead to the attainment of better standards in a university. This is necessary for the admission process of students in the university is diversified such that students are admitted from low-grade scores to higher grade scorers. However, both students and university administration have to collaborate in order to ensure that university standards are improved. One of the student’s responses in support of this was: Student: The performance of the university is determined by the individual performance of all students. However, I can argue that the standard of the university is a collaboration of both the administration and the students. The quality of education, which is attained in a university, is also reliant on students’ performance. However, it is complex for one to determine whether one contributes towards the attainment of quality standards in a university. This is because universities tend to associate quality with students performance.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Critique a legal article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critique a legal article - Essay Example There have been many interesting controversies about the nursing practice in United States since it was formally introduced and recognized as a profession in the late nineteenth century. Majority of the issues were humanistic in approach tackling about the actual institution of medical ethics. However, there have been a growing number of legal concerns that were entertained too. In fact, the Legal Eagle Eye Newsletter for the Nursing Profession has published a recent legal matter involving a patient who died due to the negligence of the stationed nurse. The autopsy conducted showed â€Å"aspiration of food as the cause of the cardiopulmonary arrest that killed the patient† (Snyder, 2010). Tracing back the facts of the case, the patient was actually suffering from a swallowing disorder termed as dysphagia. At a particular time, a nursing aide came to his room and left a sandwich on his tray table and then went away. The patient ate the sandwich without supervision which was ci ted as the main reason of his choking resulting to his death. The heirs of the deceased sued the hospital who gained a favorable decision from the Appellate Court of Illinois in November of 2009. The said honorable court declared the stationed nurse negligent and required the hospital to pay the family of the deceased in the amount of five hundred thousand dollars. In addition, the appellate court affirmed that â€Å"before a nurse may delegate any care task to an aide, it is the nurse’s responsibility to determine that the task is appropriate for performance by an aide and by the particular aide selected to perform it† (as cited in Snyder, 2010). Hence, â€Å"violation of the standard of care for a care-giving task by a non-licensed aide is also a violation of the standard of care by the professional nurse responsible for supervising the aide† (Snyder, 2010). In this regard, it can be stated that nurses just like the other professionals in the society are obliged to serve

Eat2Eat Case analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Eat2Eat Case analysis - Essay Example Indirectly therefore, there are two groups of clients that the company serves. The first of these are the restanrants to whom gives buyers to. The second are the buyers or online users of the website who make the actual reservations. However, in the context of this case analysis, much of reference to clients shall refer to the latter. Eat2Eat.Com uses a business model that grinds on the whiles of promotion of fine dining in the Asia Pacific region through the use of internet-based portal. This business model requires that the company works directly with subscribers to their website, such that the more subscribers the company has, the more customers they have and thus the more profits the will make. Presently, this business model has been introduced in nine identical geographic markets, spanning around countries in the Asia Pacific region and abroad. As far as the Asia Pacific region is concerned, this business model could be described as unique as it is the first of its k ind in the region. Fortunately, Eat2Eat.Com has received positive results from a brand recognition that has been established in the region in the last five years, leading to increases in sales at a rate of 42% from 2004 - 2005 Specific strategy that the company is using to implement its business model The implementation of the said business model has revolved around the use of specific strategies, which are discussed in this section of the writing. Generally, the strategy used by the company was based on two major factors, which are market segmentation and approach to market (Browne and Cudeck, 1992). As far as market segmentation is concerned, there was a strategy to focus solely on what Aggawal referred to as first-tier restaurants. These are restaurants perceived to be of the higher class status that are moderately expensive, popular and accepts reservations (Wofford and Liska, 1993). Much of the strategy used on the market segment was personalized as Aggawal made personal approa ches to these restaurants to personally win their indulgence and approval to be supplied with reservations. Reviews on the restaurants were also undertaken on a personalized basis by Aggawal and his employees. As far as approach to market is concerned, Eat2Eat had a strategy o focusing mainly on corporate customers rather than personal customers. This is because most of these corporate institutions made reservations for diners for various programs and activities. However with time, personal customers would be included because within the various companies, about 15% of employees would register to be part of the service. Out of the 15%, 10% of registered employees would eventually become active members on the company’s website. The strategy has also fairly involved the incorporation of services whereby customers looking for online reservations are automatically redirected to the website of Eat2Eat.Com. Another important feature is when the company went mobile, operating on mobi le devices. In totality however, it would be noted that the company is currently operating a focused culture strategy that takes all its inspiration from the Asia Pacific region. Effectiveness of the management team and CEO are in implementing the business model Availability of company statistics, financial statements and research data makes it very easy to assess the effectiveness of th

Administrative Law Human Right Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Administrative Law Human Right - Case Study Example However, the modern form of the 1948 National Assistance Act made a clear distinction between a local authority with a statutory duty to arrange care and accommodation for those unable to arrange it themselves, and a private company providing services with which the local authority contracted on a commercial basis in order to fulfil its duty to arrange such care and accommodation.The issue in this appeal is whether a care home (such as that run by Southern Cross Healthcare Ltd), when providing accommodation and care to a resident (such as Mrs YL, the appellant), pursuant to arrangements made with a local authority (such as Birmingham City Council) under sections 21 and 26 of the National Assistance Act 1948, is performing "functions of a public nature" for the purposes of section 6(3)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998 and is thus in that respect a "public authority" obliged to act compatibly with Convention rights under section 6(1) of that Act. Sections 21 and 26 of the National Assis tance Act 1948 confer statutory powers and impose a statutory duty. The duty is imposed on the relevant local authority. It may be discharged by arranging for the provision of residential care in a home run by itself, or by another local authority, or by a voluntary organisation or by a private provider such as Southern Cross. ... This is correct, but not in my view significant. The intention of Parliament is that residential care should be provided, but the means of doing so is treated as, in itself, unimportant. By one means or another the function of providing residential care is one which must be performed. For this reasons also the detailed contractual arrangements between Birmingham, Southern Cross and Mrs YL and her daughter are a matter of little or no moment. The provision of residential care is the subject of very detailed control by statute, regulation and official guidance, and criminal sanctions apply to many breaches of the prescribed standards. The issue which your Lordships must decide, as expressed in paragraph 18 of the order of Ryder J of 12 September 2006, is whether the second Respondent, Southern Cross Healthcare Ltd ("Southern Cross"), "in providing care and accommodation for YL [the appellant] is exercising a public function for the purposes of section 6(3)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998". Bennett J held, on 5 October 2006, that it was not. The Court of Appeal, on 30 January 2007, agreed: [2007] 2 WLR 1097. But these decisions are challenged before the House by YL, supported by the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and by Justice, Liberty, the British Institute of Human Rights, Help the Aged and Age Concern England, each an independent body. It is convenient to refer, briefly, to the statutory and factual backg round to the formulation of this preliminary issue. Conclusion: These examples illustrate, I think, that it cannot be enough simply to compare the nature of the activities being carried out at privately owned care homes with those carried out at local authority owned care homes. It is necessary to look also at the reason why the person

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership - Assignment Example However, a leadership style adopted should be the most appropriate in effectively achieving the objectives of the organization. It is on this premises that it may be asserted that leadership style actually matters to large extents. On the contrary, other people hold unto beliefs that it does not matter which leadership style a leader may adopt. Thus, what matters is not the leadership style, but the leaders themselves. It is on this basis that they assert that leadership is rather innate (Hill & McShane, 2006). This implicates that leadership is predetermined by a person’s distinctive dispositional characteristics during birth. Such a leader is deemed to be born leaders and therefore his leadership is effective irrespective of the leadership style he/she may adopt. Disregarding the leadership style, such people believe that leadership entails possessing power over others. Thus, leadership is a form of power and dominance to over others. This means that no matter what leadershi p style, a leader must always exercise power over people. This means that the type of leadership style does not matter at all. More often than not, those who profoundly discredit leadership style believe that, leaders are positively influential. This is to imply that employees perform well when under guidance of an effective leader. This is to mean that leaders make differences in the people. Thus, no matter what leadership style, leaders are expected to be influential to the people under them. In this regards leaders are deemed to entirely control the outcomes of groups. They are in total control of their groups’ achievements. Be that as it may, management experts have evidenced that leadership styles have palpable effects on a group’s performance. Thus, different styles are effective for different situations. In this regards, each of the leadership style is appropriate in specified circumstances. In determining which leadership style to adopt, it is important to cons ider the leader’s personal background. This may include the leader’s personality, experience, skills, knowledge, ethics and values. It may also be worthwhile to consider the employees being supervised. Indeed, employees are usually individuals with diverse personalities and backgrounds. In considering which leadership style to adopt, it is also important to look at the company’s traditions, philosophy and values as well. This may help in choosing the most suited leadership style that may be effective for the organization. It is therefore important to critically analyze the three major leadership styles with references to where they are most effective, with the aim of establishing that leadership style matters a great deal. To commence with, democratic leadership style defines a style whereby the leader shares the decision-making abilities with the members of the group. In this style, leadership involves the sharing of ideas, discussions, debates, consultations a nd encouraging employees to be part of the decision making. Thus, democratic leadership is otherwise known as participative leadership style. In a democratic type of leadership, the leader is considered as a coach who make the final decision, but this has to be done after consulting various staff members. Such type of leadership may produce high quality and high quantity work. Democratic leadership style is more effective in specific instance. In this regards, it may be the appropriate leadership style

Continuum of care for maternal,newborn,and child health in Australia Essay - 2

Continuum of care for maternal,newborn,and child health in Australia - Essay Example iscrimination that the past offenders may have a negative impact on the society, as some of them may go back to crime when they do not get employment. The community is involved directly or indirectly with probation and rehabilitation services (Del and Trulson, 2006 p. 159). Thus, it should be part of the decision-making in policies on offender re-entry programs. Rehabilitation is beneficial to everyone. It provides the ex-offenders a second chance (Robinson and Crow, 2009 p. 23). They are shaped into becoming better members of society. It is important to acknowledge that the past offenders are part of our community (Cole and Smith 2008 p. 116). They are someone’s son, daughter, grandson or even parents. They need to be re-incorporated into the society. Punitive sentences are an option, and it can create a better environment as the offenders can take part in community clean ups. However, punitive sentencing should be used in particular cases. Through its members, RPS can have to have a voice in decision making. The ideas passed through RPS are passed over to the policy makers. They get to take part in the policy-making process. Policies on how past offenders get reintroduced back to the community. Rehabilitation effects and affects everyone in the society. Let your voice be heard, become part of the RPS community by singing up

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Administrative Law Human Right Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Administrative Law Human Right - Case Study Example However, the modern form of the 1948 National Assistance Act made a clear distinction between a local authority with a statutory duty to arrange care and accommodation for those unable to arrange it themselves, and a private company providing services with which the local authority contracted on a commercial basis in order to fulfil its duty to arrange such care and accommodation.The issue in this appeal is whether a care home (such as that run by Southern Cross Healthcare Ltd), when providing accommodation and care to a resident (such as Mrs YL, the appellant), pursuant to arrangements made with a local authority (such as Birmingham City Council) under sections 21 and 26 of the National Assistance Act 1948, is performing "functions of a public nature" for the purposes of section 6(3)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998 and is thus in that respect a "public authority" obliged to act compatibly with Convention rights under section 6(1) of that Act. Sections 21 and 26 of the National Assis tance Act 1948 confer statutory powers and impose a statutory duty. The duty is imposed on the relevant local authority. It may be discharged by arranging for the provision of residential care in a home run by itself, or by another local authority, or by a voluntary organisation or by a private provider such as Southern Cross. ... This is correct, but not in my view significant. The intention of Parliament is that residential care should be provided, but the means of doing so is treated as, in itself, unimportant. By one means or another the function of providing residential care is one which must be performed. For this reasons also the detailed contractual arrangements between Birmingham, Southern Cross and Mrs YL and her daughter are a matter of little or no moment. The provision of residential care is the subject of very detailed control by statute, regulation and official guidance, and criminal sanctions apply to many breaches of the prescribed standards. The issue which your Lordships must decide, as expressed in paragraph 18 of the order of Ryder J of 12 September 2006, is whether the second Respondent, Southern Cross Healthcare Ltd ("Southern Cross"), "in providing care and accommodation for YL [the appellant] is exercising a public function for the purposes of section 6(3)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998". Bennett J held, on 5 October 2006, that it was not. The Court of Appeal, on 30 January 2007, agreed: [2007] 2 WLR 1097. But these decisions are challenged before the House by YL, supported by the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and by Justice, Liberty, the British Institute of Human Rights, Help the Aged and Age Concern England, each an independent body. It is convenient to refer, briefly, to the statutory and factual backg round to the formulation of this preliminary issue. Conclusion: These examples illustrate, I think, that it cannot be enough simply to compare the nature of the activities being carried out at privately owned care homes with those carried out at local authority owned care homes. It is necessary to look also at the reason why the person

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Continuum of care for maternal,newborn,and child health in Australia Essay - 2

Continuum of care for maternal,newborn,and child health in Australia - Essay Example iscrimination that the past offenders may have a negative impact on the society, as some of them may go back to crime when they do not get employment. The community is involved directly or indirectly with probation and rehabilitation services (Del and Trulson, 2006 p. 159). Thus, it should be part of the decision-making in policies on offender re-entry programs. Rehabilitation is beneficial to everyone. It provides the ex-offenders a second chance (Robinson and Crow, 2009 p. 23). They are shaped into becoming better members of society. It is important to acknowledge that the past offenders are part of our community (Cole and Smith 2008 p. 116). They are someone’s son, daughter, grandson or even parents. They need to be re-incorporated into the society. Punitive sentences are an option, and it can create a better environment as the offenders can take part in community clean ups. However, punitive sentencing should be used in particular cases. Through its members, RPS can have to have a voice in decision making. The ideas passed through RPS are passed over to the policy makers. They get to take part in the policy-making process. Policies on how past offenders get reintroduced back to the community. Rehabilitation effects and affects everyone in the society. Let your voice be heard, become part of the RPS community by singing up

Berlin Wall Essay Example for Free

Berlin Wall Essay What Was the Berlin Wall? The Berlin Wall was both the physical division between West Berlin and East Germany from 1961 to 1989 and the symbolic boundary between democracy and Communism during the Cold War. Dates: August 13, 1961 November 9, 1989 Overview of the Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall was erected in the dead of night and for 28 years kept East Germans from fleeing to the West. Its destruction, which was nearly as instantaneous as its creation, was celebrated around the world. A Divided Berlin At the end of World War II, the Allied powers divided conquered Germany into four zones, each occupied by either the United States, Great Britain, France, or the Soviet Union (as agreed at the Potsdam Conference). The same was done with Germanys capital city, Berlin. As the relationship between the Soviet Union and the other three Allied powers quickly disintegrated, the cooperative atmosphere of the occupation of Germany turned competitive and aggressive. Although an eventual reunification of Germany had been intended, the new relationship between the Allied powers turned Germany into West versus East, democracy versus Communism. In 1949, this new organization of Germany became official when the three zones occupied by the United States, Great Britain, and France combined to form West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany). The zone occupied by the Soviet Union quickly followed by forming East Germany (the German Democratic Republic). This same division into West and East occurred in Berlin. Since the city of Berlin had been situated entirely within the Soviet zone of occupation, West Berlin became an island of democracy within Communist East Germany. Mass Emigration Within a short period of time after the war, living conditions in West Germany and East Germany became distinctly different. With the help and support of its occupying powers, West Germany set up a capitalist society and experienced such a rapid growth of their economy that it became known as the economic miracle. With hard work, individuals living in West Germany were able to live well, buy gadgets and appliances, and to travel as they  wished. Nearly the opposite was true in East Germany. Since the Soviet Union had viewed their zone as a spoil of war, the Soviets pilfered factory equipment and other valuable assets from their zone and shipped them back to the Soviet Union. When East Germany became its own country, it was under the direct influence of the Soviet Union and thus a Communist society was established. In East Germany, the economy dragged and individual freedoms were severely restricted. By the late 1950s, many people living in East Germany wanted out. No longer able to stand the repressive living conditions of East Germany, they would pack up their bags and head to West Berlin. Although some of them would be stopped on their way, hundreds of thousands of others made it across the border. Once across, these refugees were housed in warehouses and then flown to West Germany. Many of those who escaped were young, trained professionals. By the early 1960s, East Germany was rapidly losing both its labor force and its population. Having already lost 2.5 million people by 1961, East Germany desperately needed to stop this mass exodus. The obvious leak was the easy access East Germans had to West Berlin. With the support of the Soviet Union, there had been several attempts to simply take over West Berlin in order to eliminate this exit point. Although the Soviet Union even threatened the United States with the use of nuclear weapons over this issue, the United States and other Western countries were committed to defending West Berlin. Desp erate to keep its citizens, East Germany decided to build a wall to prevent them from crossing the border. The Berlin Wall Goes Up There had been rumors that something might happen to tighten the border of East and West Berlin, but no one was expecting the speed nor the absoluteness of the Wall. Just past midnight on the night of August 12-13, 1961, trucks with soldiers and construction workers rumbled through East Berlin. While most Berliners were sleeping, these crews began tearing up streets that entered into West Berlin, dug holes to put up concrete posts, and strung barbed wire all across the border between East and West Berlin. Telephone wires between East and West Berlin were also cut. Berliners were shocked when they woke up that morning. What had once been a very fluid border was now rigid. No longer could East Berliners cross the border for  operas, plays, soccer games, etc. No longer could the approximately 60,000 commuters head to West Berlin for well-paying jobs. No longer could families, friends, and lovers cross the border to meet their loved ones. Whichever side of the border one went to sleep on during the night of August 12, they were stuck on that side for decades. The Size and Scope of the Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall stretched over a hundred miles. It ran not only through the center of Berlin, but also wrapped around West Berlin, entirely cutting West Berlin off from the rest of East Germany. The wall itself went through four major transformations during its 28-year history. The Berlin Wall started out as a barbed-wire fence with concrete posts, but just a few days after the first fence was placed, it was quickly replaced with a sturdier, more permanent structure made out of concrete blocks, topped with barbed wire. The first two versions of the wall (barbed wire and concrete blocks) were replaced by the hird version of the Berlin Wall in 1965. This version consisted of a concrete wall, supported by steel girders. The fourth version of the Berlin Wall, constructed from 1975 to 1980, was the most complicated and thorough. It consisted of concrete slabs reaching nearly 12-feet high (3.6 m) and 4-feet wide (1.2 m), plus it had a smooth pipe running across the top to hinder people from scaling the Wall. And tentatively approached the border and indeed found that the border guards were letting people cross. Very quickly, the Berlin Wall was inundated with people from both sides. Some began chipping at the Berlin Wall with hammers and chisels. There was an impromptu huge celebration along the Berlin Wall, with people hugging, kissing, singing, cheering, and crying. The Berlin Wall was eventually chipped away, into smaller pieces (some the size of a coin and others in big slabs). The pieces have become collectibles and are stored in both homes and museums. After the Berlin Wall came down, East and West Germany reunified into a single German state on October 3, 1990.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Consumer Culture of Low-Income Consumers

Consumer Culture of Low-Income Consumers Literature Paper focus on low-income consumers whose economic resources results in them being unable to obtain the goods and services needed for an ‘‘sufficient’’ and ‘‘socially acceptable’’ standard of income (Darley and Johnson, 1985, p. 206); in other words, consumers experiencing relative poverty and relative deficiency (Townsend, 1987) in consumer culture. In today’s consumer culture, as the standard of living rises, the gap between a survival income and a social enclosure income will continue to enlarge (Bowring, 2000). While economic escalation and consumer culture has raised the standard of living for many, there are also concerns that income gaps between the rich and the poor have widened and variation is deepening. It has been recognized that those living on a low income face consumer disadvantage in the market place (Andreasen, 1975) encountering different exchange restrictions and negative results (Hill and Stephens, 1997). It is being unable to obtain the goods and services needed for a socially suitable standard of living (Darley and Johnson, 1985) according to low-income consumers encounter different other market place limitation. imperfect product openness can be a problem. Smaller variety have been partly endorsed to access difficulties in both the food retailing industry (Cummins and Macintyre, 1999) . Equally, low-income consumers often have to be enough with lower quality goods and services, for example, they may have no choice but to pay for second-hand goods, an option that is almost always viewed as second best (Williams and Windebank, 2001). Moreover, since the publication of The Poor Pay More , it has generally been accepted that they suffer price bias in the market place (Chung and Myers, 1999). For low-income customers, such social behavior are often beyond reach as a large percentage of their money is tied up with basics such as food and rent (Alwitt and Donley, 1996). This leads to a generality of life’s experiences . Low-income consumers may practice more difficultly in forming helpful relationships outside the instant household (Daly and Leonard, 2002) due to limited opportunities for socializing In the case of low income they lose opportunity to take benefit of ‘‘what life has to offer’’ and are cut from what passes as a ‘‘happy life’’ (Bauman, 2005, p. 38). Low income consumers are often unemployed because they have not power of purchasing comfortable goods. Which can satisfy their demands m (Alwitt and Donley, 1996). These could include individualized payment plans that allow consumers control of their own budgeting strategy or credit opportunities that are specifically adapted to the needs of low-income consumers (Himlton 2004). This is not amazing that as these consumers are often considered as a group with different aspiration who are losing and risky, and not good for market-related research ( Hamilton and Catterall, 2005). People spend more part of their income for their basic necessities, life style is not consider. The incomes that households actually receive play a significant role in determining their consumption (Tregarthen and Ritternberg, 2000) such that low-income consumers consume less fresh  fruits, fresh vegetables, fruit juices, low-fat milk, whole meal bread and fish compare to more economically advantaged consumers (Anderson and Morris, 2000). Low-income consumers can be defined as individuals whose financial resources or income results in them being unable to obtain the goods and services needed for an â€Å"adequate† and â€Å"socially acceptable† standard of living (Darley and Johnson, 1985 cited in Hamilton and Catterall, 2005). HILL and ADRANG studied on global poverty of the united nations contened that the poor are individual and families are some what rich. Lifestyle characteristics of the low-income consumer The incomes that households actually receive play a significant role in determining their consumption (Tregarthen and Ritternberg, 2000). To rely on making incursions into other budgetary allocations and postpone other essentials, such that they decide on which item of necessity is less necessary (Matza and Miller, 1976). Most buying decisions for relatively low-priced products that have close substitutes would be low-involvement. A more detailed view of low-involvement products is proposed by Semenik and Bamossy (1995). It has been suggested that ‘‘An individual is socially excluded if (a) he or she is geographically resident in a society and (b) he or she does not participate in the normal activities of citizens in that society’’ (Burchardt, 1999, p. 230). The aim of this paper is twofold. First, social policy studies surrounding social exclusion in terms of separation from mainstream society have focused on employment, often neglecting theorizing about the specific forms of social exclusion that can be associated with consumerism (Williams and Windebank, 2002; Hohnen, 2007). Positive discourse heralds the benefits of a consumer society suggesting that choice can be seen as ‘‘the consumer’s friend’’ (Gabriel and Lang, 2006, p. 1) Marketing techniques are often critiqued for creating a strong social pressure to consume, leading to feelings of exclusion and shame for those consumers who cannot make their desires a reality (Bowring, 2000). Fullerton and Punj (1997) also suggest that as well as stimulating legitimate consumption behavior, the consumer culture can stimulate consumer misbehavior. Previous research suggests that the poor may be particularly prone to consumer misbehavior as their financial resources may not be sufficient to  satisfy desires. Equally, low-income consumers often have to suffice with lower quality goods and services, for example, they may have no choice but to purchase second-hand goods, an option that is almost always viewed as second best (Williams and Winde bank, 2001). The British Social Attitudes Report (National Centre for Social Research, 2008) highlights that a rising number of people place the blame for poverty on the poor themselves; some 27 per cent think that poverty is due to ‘‘laziness or lack of willpower’’, up from 19 per cent in  1984. References Darley,W.K. and Johnson, D.M. (1985), ‘‘A contemporary analysis of the low income consumer: aninternational perspective’’, in Tan, C.T. and Sheth, J.N. (Eds), Historical Perspectives inConsumer Research: National and International Perspectives, Association for ConsumerResearch, Provo, UT, pp. 206-10. Townsend, P. (1987), ‘‘Deprivation’’, Journal of Social Policy, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. 125-46. Bowring, F. (2000), ‘‘Social exclusion: limitations of the debate’’, Critical Social Policy, Vol. 20 No. 3, pp. 307-30. Andreasen, A.R. (1975), The Disadvantaged Consumer, The Free Press, New York, NY.Arnould, E.J. and Thompson, C.J. (2005), ‘‘Consumer culture theory (CCT): twenty years of research’’, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 868-82. research’’, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 868-82. Hill, R.P. and Stephens, D.L. (1997), ‘‘Impoverished consumers and consumer behavior: the case ofAFDC mothers’’, Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 32-48. Cummins, S. and Macintyre, S. (1999), ‘‘The location of food stores in urban areas: a case study in Glasgow’’, British Food Journal, Vol. 101 No. 7, pp. 545-53. Williams, C.C. and Windebank, J. (2001), ‘‘Acquiring goods and services in lower income populations: an evaluation of consumer behaviour and preferences’’, International Journal Of Retail Distribution Management, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 16-24. Chung, C. and Myers, S.L. (1999), ‘‘Do the poor pay more for food? An analysis of grocery store availability and food price disparities’’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 276-96. Alwitt, L.F. and Donley, T.D. (1996), The Low-income Consumer, Adjusting the Balance of Exchange, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. Hamilton, C. (2004), Growth Fetish, Pluto Press, London Hamilton, K. and Catterall, M. (2005), â€Å"Towards a better understanding of the low-income consumer†, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 32, pp. 627-32. Tregarthen, T. and Ritternberg, L. (2000), Economics, 2nd ed., Worth, New York, NY. Anderson, A.S. and Morris, S.E. (2000), â€Å"Changing fortunes: changing food choices†, Nutrition Food Science, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 12-15. Matza, D. and Miller, H. (1976), â€Å"Poverty and proletariat†, in Merton, R.K. and Nisbet, R. (Eds),Contemporary Social Problems, 4th ed.,Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,NewYork,NY, pp. 641-73. Semenik, R.J. and Bamossy, G.J. (1995), Principles of Marketing, 2nd ed., South Western College, Cincinnati, OH, pp. 170-1. Burchardt, T., Le Grand, J. and Piachaud, D. (1999), ‘‘Social exclusion in Britain 1991-1995’’, Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 33 No. 3, pp. 227-44. Williams, C.C. and Windebank, J. (2002), ‘‘The ‘excluded consumer’: a neglected aspect of social exclusion?’’, Policy Politics, Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 501-13. Gabriel, Y. and Lang, T. (2006), The Unmanageable Consumer: Contemporary Consumption and its Fragmentation, 2nd ed., Sage, London. Bowring, F. (2000), ‘‘Social exclusion: limitations of the debate’’, Critical Social Policy, Vol. 20 No. 3, pp. 307-30. Fullerton, R.A. and Punj, G. (1997), ‘‘The unintended consequences of the culture of consumption:an historical-theoretical analysis of consumer misbehavior’’, Consumption, Markets and Culture, Vol. 1 No. 4, pp. 393-423. Williams, C.C. and Windebank, J. (2001), ‘‘Acquiring goods and services in lower incomepopulations: an evaluation of consumer behaviour and preferences’’, International Journal of Retail Distribution Management, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 16-24. National Centre for Social Research (2008), British Social Attitudes, The 24th Report, Sage, London.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Gertrude and Helen: Wantonness in the Trojan War and Shakespeares Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet

Gertrude and Helen: Wantonness in the Trojan War and Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚   Hamlet is the melancholy Dane; Claudius, the smiling villain. Polonius is the oily courtier; Horatio, the loyal friend. Most of the characters in Hamlet are well defined and unambiguous; the character of Gertrude, however, presents us with many ambiguities and difficulties. Some critics see her as "well-meaning but shallow and feminine, in the pejorative sense of the word: incapable of any sustained rational process, superficial and flighty" (Heilbrun 10), while others see her as a stronger character, cool and calculating. The play presents many aspects of Gertrude's character ambiguously. Janet Adelman writes,    Given her centrality in the play, it is striking how little we know about Gertrude; even the extent of her involvement in the murder of her first husband is left unclear....The ghost accuses her at least indirectly of adultery and incest...but he never accuses her of nor exonerates her from the murder. For the ghost, as for Hamlet, her chief crime is her uncontrolled sexuality; that is the object of their moral revulsion, a revulsion as intense as anything directed toward the murderer Claudius. But the Gertrude we see is not quite the Gertrude they see. And when we see her in herself, apart from their characterizations of her, we tend to see a woman more muddled than actively wicked; even her famous sensuality is less apparent than her conflicted solicitude both for her new husband and for her son....Even her death is not quite her own to define. Is it a suicide designed to keep Hamlet from danger by dying in his place?...Muddled, fallible, fully human, she seems ultimately to make t he choice that Hamlet would have her make. But even here she does not speak clearly; her character remains relatively closed to us (Adelman 15-16).    In spite of the many ambiguities of Gertrude's character, one of her chief characteristics is wantonness, and like Helen of Troy, Gertrude's wantonness led to tragedy. Wantonness-a word that is little in use nowadays-suggests three characteristics: luxuriously rank extravagance, lack of discipline, and lustfulness. The treatment of Gertrude's character in Hamlet supports the argument that her chief fault is wantonness, for these three characteristics can be seen in her character.    The first characteristic, luxuriousness or extravagance, is not directly stated in the play but can be inferred from the actions of Gertrude. One possible reason for her remarriage after King Hamlet's death is a desire to maintain her position as queen, with all its luxury and comfort.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sugar Sweet :: Papers

Sugar Sweet The sugar pulsed through her blood. She took another bite. The smooth, sweet chocolate fused into her body removing the pain. She could feel their stares. Burning through her as she ate. She seized the remainder of the chocolate and walked out. It was intolerable. Every time she ate she could feel those around her wishing to throw up. She could feel their whispers of disgust. As she was leaving the food court she felt a tap on her shoulder. She spun around, preparing herself for another snide remark about her size. "What?" she snapped. "You forgot this" the girl replied, her tight jeans accentuating her flawless figure. The girl handed the leaflet to her. "Looks like you might need it" With a snort of laughter she left and returned to her friends. She ran through the rest of the shopping centre. Past the countless shops, pictures of stick figure models stuck to their windows. Sitting under the stairs on the station she extracted the remnants of a family block of chocolate from her bag. She flicked through the leaflet "Lose weight now". She had never seen it before. She began sobbing. The train pulled out of the station. She remained sitting hidden under the steps. Consumed by distress the tall figure that slid up next to her went unnoticed. He lit a cigarette causing her to jump. "What's the problem, babe?" he said offering her a cigarette. "No thanks I don't smoke" she muttered, wiping away the tears. Suddenly conscious of her size she folder her arms across her stomach. "Hey I've seen you before" she sniffed, "You're Dads apprentice" "Yeah, that's me. Look, do you want a lift somewhere?" Face flushed, crying, she unlocked the front door and ran upstairs to her bedroom. She shouldn't have done it. His sweet charm had left her trapped in a car while he tried to come closer. "Give it ago, come on I promise it won't hurt". He had thrust two pills into her mouth.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Dyspepsia Chronic Or Recurrent Pain Health And Social Care Essay

Good nutrition is indispensable to good wellness throughout life, get downing with pre natal life and go oning through old age. An ancient ayurvedic adage denotes that â€Å" When diet is incorrect medical specialty is of no usage, when diet is right medical specialty is of no demand. Thus nutrition scientific discipline helps to advance human wellness and dainty disease. Aging is a natural evident fact in human life. The universe is expected to see an unprecedented ripening of the human population in states worldwide. It is likely that there are 416 million old people ( aged 60 old ages and supra ) around the Earth and by 2020 universe ‘s 11.9 % of population will be above 60 old ages ( Mr. Katz ) . In India besides the tendency is same, 7.5 % of the entire population is above 60 old ages. Harmonizing to the population appraisal of Tamil Nadu 2001, Male senior citizens within 60-69 twelvemonth of age was 5.35 % , 70-79 old ages of age was 2.49 % and 80 old ages of age and above was 86 % .Female senior citizens in 60-69 twelvemonth of age was 5.62 % , 70-79 old ages of age was 2.41 % .80 old ages and above was 0.9 % .When comparison with 1961, 1971, 1981 and 1991 twelvemonth nose count, there was addition in figure of senior citizens in Tamil Nadu. Harmonizing to the nose count of Madurai, the population aged 60 to 64 old ages predicted as 3.05 % , 65-69 twelvemonth projected as 2.10 % , 70 to74 old ages reported as 1.54 % , 75-79 twelvemonth predicted as 0.78 % and 80 + old ages anticipated as 0.88 % .It is estimated that the proportion of with this addition in the population of the senior citizens, societies in each state have to larn how to cover with a new set of wellness challenges. It is known that the senior citizens suffer from assorted types of jobs physically, psychologically, economically and socially. 45 % of old age people in India have chronic disease and disablements. There is a common expression by the natural healer that â€Å" All disease begins in the intestine. † Chiefly the increased prevalence of several common GI upsets occurs in the aged individual. Senior citizens normally experiences dysphasia, anorexia, indigestion, and colonic jobs. Among these indigestions holding the highest prevalence rate in India. Dyspepsia is a chronic or perennial hurting or uncomfortableness centered in the upper venters associated with a assortment of symptoms including station prandial comprehensiveness, bloating, flatulency, sickness, purging, pyrosis, early repletion and acerb regurgitation. Globally the incidence rate of indigestion is 7 to 45 % . The hazard factors of indigestion include nutrient, intoxicant, caffeine, indigestion and medicines contribute to dyspepsia. Chronic indigestion associated with stomachic malignant neoplastic disease, peptic ulcer, gastro esophageal reflux upset or may miss an identifiable cause. Dyspepsia can be categorized in to three ; those with dismay characteristics, those with no dismay characteristics but found to be positive for H.pylori ( unsophisticated indigestion ) and those in whom no causal organic disease has been identified ( functional indigestion ) . The common direction of indigestion includes lifestyle alterations, H.pylori therapy, and pharmacological di rection. Pharmacological direction includes alkalizers, prokinectics, acid suppressive cytoprotective and H.pylori obliteration agents. Indigestion can be managed in place by disposal of Ginger infusion. Ginger has been used as a traditional medical specialty in Asia and India since antediluvian times. Ginger infusion has a spicy inspiring gustatory sensation. It is used as a place redress for dyspepsia, sickness, cold and sore pharynxs. The characteristic olfactory properties and spirit of ginger root is caused by a mixture of zingrone, shogaols and gingerols, volatile oils that compose about one to three per centum of the weight of fresh ginger. Volatile oils have the ability to chase away gas and cut down bloating in the bowel. Ginger is rich in such oils. It promotes the production of spit, which is called sialagogue. This action makes the ginger to excite the flow of gall from the saddle sore vesica which helps dyspepsia.Need FOR THE STUDYDyspepsia is non a disease but a group of symptoms that alert practician to disease of the upper gastro-intestinal piece of land. It is reported that 50 % of people with dyspep sia ego medicate utilizing alkalizers and low dosage H2 receptor adversaries, perchance with advice from a community druggist, but statistics show that every bit many as one in 4 people in Scotland with indigestion and one in 10 in England and Wales consult their general practician. Dyspepsia is one of the dominant upper gastro-intestinal jobs among elderly. It is non been shown to be associated with any addition in mortality. However, the impact of this status on patients and wellness attention services has been shown to be considerable. In a recent community study of several European and North American populations, 20 % of people with dyspeptic symptoms had consulted either primary attention doctors or hospital specializers ; more than 50 % of indigestion sick persons were on medicine most of the clip and about 30 % of dyspeptics reported taking yearss off work or schooling due to their symptoms. The prevalence rate of indigestion varies well between different populations. Dyspepsia is considered as a public wellness job in India. Nationwide study of indigestion conducted in 2006 shows that the prevalence of uninvestigated indigestion was 30.4 % . A study in urban Mumbai found that uninvestigated indigestion was more prevailing in grownups & gt ; 40 old ages of age. A study on cultural group of Indians found that the estimated rate of uninvestigated indigestion was 7.5 % . In an urban study in India found that no difference in dyspeptic symptoms occurred between vegetarians ( 29.1 % ) and meat-eaters ( 31.2 % ) . This shows that indigestion is a common job in India among senior citizens. A planetary position on the prevalence of uninvestigated indigestion varies between 7-45 % and functional indigestion has been noted to change between 11-29.2 % .The prevalence of lowest rate of uninvestigated indigestion was seen in Singapore ( 7-8 % ) , South East Asia, somewhat higher rates are seen amongst the Scandinavians ( 14.5 % and 18.4 % ) , a prevalence rates are of 23-25.8 % are seen in the US with populations in India ( 30.4 % ) and New Zealand ( 34.2 % ) holding the highest rate. Whereas the prevalence rate of functional indigestion in UK, Taiwan and US were 15 % , 23.8 % and 29.8 % severally. Hazard factors for indigestion have been shown to include females and underlying psychological perturbations, environmental/lifestyle wonts such as hapless economic position, smoke, increased caffeine consumption and consumption of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs appear to be more relevant to un investigated indigestion.It is clear that indigestion is a common status globally, impacting most populations, irrespective of location. A survey on herbal medical specialty and gastro enteric system shows that ginger stimulates the flow of spit, gall and stomachic secernments. Ginger addition gastro enteric motility without impacting stomachic voidance. These findings appear to back up to the traditional usage of ginger in the intervention of GI uncomfortableness and bloating. A few surveies have proven the effects of ginger to the human organic structure. Although non yet every bit celebrated as other herbs, at least, ginger is going popular as alternate to other herbs. Among the celebrated herbal uses of ginger is as an infusion. The great benefits that ginger pull out can give are genuinely unmeasurable. There are many geriatric units in and around Madurai. The common issue identified among senior citizens is dyspepsia. Investigator felt that the ginger infusion for indigestion will assist to still and to advance better GI map among aged with low cost herbal medical specialty. In the visible radiation of the magnitude of the indigestion job and the deficiency of related surveies, the research worker has undertaken this survey to find effectivity of ginger infusion in cut downing badness of dyspeptic symptoms.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMAn experimental survey to measure the effectivity of ginger infusion on indigestion among senior citizens shacking in geriatric attention unit of Christian Mission Hospital, Madurai- 2010.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYTo measure the degree of indigestion among experimental and control group before administrating ginger infusion. To measure the degree of indigestion among experimental and control group after administrating ginger infusion. To happen out the difference in the degree of indigestion between experimental and control group. To happen the association between the degree of indigestion and socio demographic variables in the experimental group after administrating ginger infusion.RESEARCH HYPOTHESISH1: There will be a important difference between the degree of indigestion between the control group and experimental group with Ginger infusion. H2: There will be a important association between the station trial degree of dyspeptic symptoms and demographic variables.PremiseThe undermentioned premises were made in this survey. The senior citizens would co operate with research worker and would be willing to take part efficaciously in the survey. The points included in the tool would be equal and stand for the step of dyspeptic symptoms badness. Every senior citizen is alone and responds in a alone mode to depict the badness of dyspeptic symptoms. The Ginger infusion would be sufficient to still dyspeptic symptoms. Ginger infusion will be easy acceptable by the senior citizens.OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONEffectiveness of Ginger infusionIn this survey, it refers to the decrease in badness of dyspeptic symptoms as measured by the average difference in dyspepsia badness tonss utilizing 7-point Global overall symptoms of dyspepsia graduated table before and after disposal of Ginger infusion.Ginger infusionIn this survey, it refers to a liquid prepared by boiling peeled and grated A? tsp of fresh ginger in H2O constituted to 100 milliliter of infusion, to which 10 milliliter of honey is added to dulcify and 5 beads of lemon beads to season.IndigestionIn this survey, it refers to symptoms of upper gastro enteric piece of land related to digestion as represented by the senior citizens, which includes dyspepsia, upper abdominal uncomfortableness, sickness, bloating, flatulency, station prandial comprehensiveness, early repletion, flatulency, diarrhea, irregularity, dysphagia, coated lingua and un pleasant gu statory sensation in the oral cavity.Senior CitizensBoth male and female aged people who were aged 60 old ages and above and were populating off from their household in selected geriatric attention unit is referred as senior citizen.Geriatric unitGeriatric unit refers to geriatric attention division of Christian Mission Hospital, Madurai, where senior citizen ‘s distinguishable demands are catered.Boundary lineThe survey is delimited to Senior citizens shacking in the geriatric unit, CMH, Madurai.PROJECTED OUTCOMEThe survey findings will be effectual in cut downing the degree of dyspeptic symptoms among senior citizens shacking in selected geriatric unit and to wake up the involvement in non pharmacological intercessions like ginger infusion towards indigestion. Findingss of this survey will assist to be after and pattern Ginger infusion as a complementary therapy in advanced nursing pattern.CHAPTER- IIREVIEW OF LITERATURELinkss between new research subjects and bing cognition are by and large developed by a thorough reappraisal of anterior research workers on a subject and so by developing a model for the subject on the footing of what is studied. In this chapter, the reappraisal works of relevant literature and research surveies are organized under the undermentioned facets. Scenario of indigestion Magnitude of indigestion among aged people Associated factors of indigestion Tool – Global over all symptom graduated table for Dyspepsia Consequence of ginger on wellness complaints Dyspepsia and ginger1. Surveies related to Scenario of indigestion.Sahib, Y. ( 2004 ) conducted a survey on the prevalence and hazard factor of functional indigestion in a multi cultural population in the United States to mensurate the prevalence of functional indigestion and its hazard factors in a multi cultural voluntary sample of the US population. A questionnaire method was followed. Consequences indicate that the prevalence of indigestion was 31.9 per 100 and 15.8 per 100. About 64.5 % Participants with indigestion had functional indigestion. The survey concludes that most topics with indigestion had functional indigestion. Bhatia SJ ( 2001 ) conducted a survey on epidemiology of indigestion in the general population in Mumbai to find the prevalence, human ecology and economic deductions of indigestion in Mumbai. A questionnaire method was followed. Consequence shows that 774 topics had indigestion, 614 people had abdominal comprehensiveness, 374 had abdominal hurting, and 272 had pyrosis and belching. The survey concludes that indigestion was reported by about tierce of the population in Mumbai. M.JJ Van ( 2001 ) conducted a survey on audiences and referrals for indigestion in general practice-a one twelvemonth database study to depict the prevalence of indigestion in general pattern, and the clinical and non clinical determiners of referral in these patients. Cross tablets and logistic arrested development analysis were carried out to uncover patient features and referral. The prevalence of indigestion in primary attention was 3.4 % .The survey concludes that indigestion is a often happening ailment in primary attention patients and normally treated by their general practician.2. Magnitude of indigestion among aged peopleAlberto pilotto ( 2006 ) Conducted a survey on the drug used by the aged in general pattern: effects on upper gastro intestinal symptoms to measure the prevalence of drug usage by aged outpatients in Italy and to place the association between drug usage and gastro enteric symptoms. The consequences shows that 32.7 % of patients reported a t least one upper gastro enteric symptom, 25 % with dyspepsia syndrome, 16.2 % had abdominal hurting and 14.25 % had reflux symptoms. The survey concludes that the prevalence of drug usage is really high in aged outpatient population.3. Surveies related to factor of ( 2010 ) conducted a survey on the Hazard factors associated with indigestion in a rural Asiatic population and its impact on quality of life. To find the prevalence epidemiology and impact of indigestion in a rural Malaysian community Of 2,260 grownup, 2,000 ( 88.5 % ) completed the study. Dyspepsia was found to be associated with female gender ( 15.8 vs. 12.7 % males, P=0.058 ) , Chinese ethnicity ( 19.7 vs. 14.2 % non-Chinese ) , higher instruction degrees, medium-range incomes, non-village-type lodging, non tobacco users, non- infusion drinkers, regular analgesia consumption, and grownups with chronic unwellness. Logistic arrested development analysis showed that higher degrees of instruc tion, i.e. , secondary instruction, non-village lodging, regular analgesia, and chronic unwellness were independent hazard factors for indigestion. Conversely, regular infusion imbibing ) seemed to hold an opposite relationship. Epidemiologic hazard factors include a higher socioeconomic position, regular analgetic ingestion, and chronic unwellness. Mari-Ann ( 2010 ) A cross-sectional study was conducted on Dyspepsia in rural Malaysians is associated with a lower HRQOL. Epidemiological hazard factors include a higher socioeconomic position, regular analgetic ingestion, and chronic unwellness in a representative urban population in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A sum of 2039 grownups age: 40.5A A ±A 11.8A old ages, males 44.2 % , ethnicity: Malayans 45.3 % , Chinese 38.0 % and Indians 13.1 % , third instruction degree 62 % , professional employment 47.7 % and average monthly income USD 850.00 ) were interviewed. Dyspepsia was prevalent in 496 ( 24.3 % ) grownups. Independent forecasters for indigestion, explored by logistic arrested development, were identified as: Malaysians and Indian ( OR 1.59, 95 % CIA =A 1.03-2.45 ) ethnicity, heavy chilly intake usage of regular analgesia and chronic unwellness. Ethnicity, in add-on to acknowledge epidemiological factors, is a hazard factor for indigestion in an urban multi-racial Asiatic population. Barazkasm ( 2009 ) conducted a survey on uninvestigated indigestion and its related factors in an Persian community to find the prevalence rate of indigestion and the hazard factors. A cross sectional study was performed. The consequences indicates that the prevalence rate of uninvestigated indigestion was 8.5 % .Post parandial comprehensiveness was experienced by 41.5 % .The survey concludes that adult females, older people, corpulent, widowed and low instruction topics are more likely to endure from indigestion. SanjivA MahadevaA MRCP, ( 2006 ) conducted a survey on assess the association between depression and functional indigestion. It showed greater prevalence of depression among functional indigestion patients ( 30.4 % ) , when compared to organic indigestion patients ( 11.2 % ) . Women showed greater hazard to present functional indigestion and in footings of age, the group with ages between 31 to 50 old ages and 51 to 60 old ages showed protection consequence ( topics within these age groups have minor hazard to present functional indigestion ) . After the multivariate analysis depressed patients showed three times greater co morbidity with functional indigestion when compared to non-depressed patients. The accommodation for the gender, age and matrimonial position variables confirmed the association between functional indigestion and depression. Consequences point the demand to measure the presence of depression in functional indigestion patients and to set up specific interv ention schemes for these patients. Stephen W.MD ( 2006 ) Conducted a survey on indigestion in homeless grownup to find the prevalence and hazard factors for indigestion in a representative sample of stateless individuals. A cross sectional study with serologic proving for Helicobacter pylori infection was done. The consequences revealed that 18 % had upper tummy hurting, 595 had dyspeptic symptoms. H.pylori infection was identified in 315 of Participants. The survey concludes that indigestion is a common job among stateless grownups in Toronto. Stolte M et Al ( 2003 ) conducted a survey on Helicobacter pylori obliteration is good in the intervention of functional indigestion to measure whether the obliteration of Helicobacter pylori leads to long term alleviation of symptoms of functional indigestion. Double unsighted obliteration was followed. The consequences showed a statistically benefit in footings of symptom alleviation from non-ulcer indigestion. The survey concludes that H.pylori infection causes dyspeptic symptom in a subset of patients with functional indigestion.4. Surveies related to consequence of ginger on wellness complaintsZahra Vahdat ( 2009 ) conducted a survey on consequence of enteric feeding with ginger infusion in acute respiratory hurt syndrome. An enteric diet supplemented with ginger infusion in acute respiratory hurt syndrome ( ARDS ) patients may be good for gas exchange and could diminish continuance of mechanical airing and length of stay in intensive attention unit ( ICU ) . In this individual centre, randomized, controlled dual blind survey, 32 patients with ARDS were randomized to have a high protein enteric diet enriched with ginger infusion or placebo. Patients fed enteric diet enriched with ginger infusion had significantly betterment in oxygenation was observed on twenty-four hours 5 ( P=0.02 ) and 10 ( P=0.003 ) in ginger infusion group compared to command group. A important difference was found in continuance of mechanical airing ( P0.02 ) and length of ICU stay ( P=0.04 ) in favor of ginger infusion group. None of incidences like barotraumas, organ failure and mortality found among survey groups. Zahra Atai ( 2009 ) conducted a survey on Inhibitory Effect of Ginger Extract on Candida albicans fungous infections could be dangerous in immuno compromised patients. Candida albicans is the most frequent Fungi in the unwritten pit. The first measure for intervention could be done utilizing topical fungicidal agents. Nystatine is a pick for mentioned use but there are some jobs in its utilizing including: unfavoured gustatory sensation, frequence of use, etc. This survey was carried out to happen an option for Nystatine. The survey was designed based on laboratory probes to look into the fungicidal activity of zingiber offcinale ( Ginger ) on Candida albicans which was obtained from Persian microbic aggregation and was confirmed by Germ Tube formation trial. Ethanolic Ginger infusion was prepared. The fungicidal activity of the infusion was determined utilizing Agar dilution and disc diffusion techniques. Datas were analyzed by ANOVA trial. The consequences showed that the eth anolic infusion was effectual on Candida albicans ( 2 mg mLiˆÂ ­1 ) at the concentration of 1:5. The survey indicates that Ginger infusion might hold promise in intervention of unwritten moniliasis. Hoffman.T ( 2007 ) says that ginger has been used safely for 1000s old ages in cookery and medically in common people and place redresss. Advanced engineering enables the proof of these traditional experiences. The national centre for ( NCCAM ) has evaluated the consequences of the available surveies, evaluation the studies from â€Å" implicative † ( for short term usage of ginger for alleviation from, gestation related sickness and emesis ) to â€Å" assorted † ( when used for sickness caused by gesture illness, chemotherapy or surgery ) and to â€Å" ill-defined † for handling rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis or joint and musculus hurting. White B ( 2007 ) explained ginger is one of the more normally used herbal addendums. Although frequently consumed for culinary intents, it is taken by many patients to handle a assortment of conditions, ginger has been shown to be effectual for gestation induced and post operative sickness and emesis. There is less grounds to back up its usage for gesture illness or other types of sickness and emesis. Assorted consequences have been found in limited surveies of ginger for the intervention of arthritis symptoms. ( 2002 ) conducted a survey related to the usage of complementary and alternate medical specialty by Women enduring from sickness and purging during gestation. In this survey 70 adult females completed the questionnaire 61 % reported utilizing complementary and alternate medical specialty therapies of which the three most popular were ginger, vit B6 and acupressure 21 % of those who reported utilizing CAM had consulted CAM practioners, 8 % their doctors / druggist and 71 % discussed the use with household, friends and other wellness professionals. Womans did non utilize CAM stated they would likely utilize these modes if there was more information about these safety in gestation. Nanthakoman T, Pongrojpaw.D ( 2006 ) found that efficaciousness of ginger in bar of station operative sickness and emesis after major gynecologic surgery from March 2005-april 2006, 120 patients who underwent major gynecologic surgery were randomized in to group A ( n=60 ) and group B ( n=60 ) . The patients in group A received two capsules of ginger taken one hr before the process ( one capsule contains 0.5 g of ginger pulverization ) . The patients in group received the placebo. The ( VANS ) ocular parallel sickness mark and frequence of purging were evaluated at 0, 2,6,12 and 24 hours after the operation statistically important difference in sickness between group A ( 48.3 % ) and group B ( 66.7 % ) .5. Surveies related to dyspepsia and gingerBadreldin Al ( 2008 ) conducted a survey on some phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological belongingss of ginger ( zingiber officinale Roscoe ) : A reappraisal of recent research. The survey shows that ginger is used for a broad a rray of unrelated complaints that include dyspepsia, irregularity, spasms, purging, strivings, sore pharynx, arthritis and helminthiasis. Mahady GB ( 2003 ) Conducted a survey on ginger root ( Zingiber officinale Roscoe ) and the gingerols inhibit the growing of CagA+ strains of Helicobacter pylori. A methanol infusion of the dried ginger rootstock, 10-gingerols and 6-shoyoal, were tested against 19 strains HP including 5CagA+ strains. The consequence revealed that a methanol infusion of ginger rootstock inhibit the growing of all 19 strain wickedness vitro. The survey concludes that ginger root extracts incorporating gingerols inhibit the growing of H.pylori CagA+ strains in vitro. Gupta ( 2003 ) Conducted a survey on ginger at Toyama medical and pharmaceutical university.Found that fresh pieces of ginger dipped in a small salt additions salivation in the oral cavity and stocked ‘digestive fire ‘ in the tummy. The survey concludes that the ginger activated a concatenation reaction in our immune system that aids digestion and dainties stomach complaints. Narullah A ( 2003 ) conducted a survey on usage of common people redresss among patients in Karachi Pakistan to find the scientific grounds sing the usage of herbal medical specialty in Pakistan. A questionnaire method was followed. The survey shows that cinnamon, ginger, cloves, honey, lemon, poppy seeds, eggs and curd are the common herbal medical specialty they are practising. These common people redresss are used in common cold, cough and grippe to more serious status such as indigestion, asthma, icterus and heat shot. The survey concludes that the significant usage of common people redresss for intervention of medical conditions need to form on scientific lines.6. Surveies related 7-point Global Symptom Scale for Dyspepsia:S. J. O. Veldhuyzen conducted survey that proof was performed in two randomized-controlled tests ( n A? 1121 and 512 ) . Global overall symptom was compared with the quality of life in reflux and indigestion, GI symptom evaluation graduated table, reflux disease questionnaire and 10 specific symptoms. The intra category correlativity coefficient was calculated for patients with stable indigestion defined by no alteration in overall intervention consequence mark over two visits. Change in planetary overall symptom mark correlated significantly with quality of life for reflux and indigestion, GI symptom evaluation graduated table, reflux disease questionnaire and specific symptoms ( all P & lt ; 0.0002 ) . Dependability: there was a positive correlativity between alteration in planetary overall symptom and alteration in symptom badness. The consequence size and standardised response mean were 1.1 and 2.1, severally. The planetary overall symptom graduated table is a simple, valid result step for indigestion intervention tests.